Friday, February 20, 2009

Bert and Ernie Raps

This video of Bert and Ernie is hee-la-rious. Listen with Speakers

The lack of quality posts lately is due to the fact that I'm still very busy sorting out the new online store - DressTalk. Good news is, we've got a few enquiries and some purchases - and things seem to be taking off pretty well, but there's just so much more to be done while waiting for the first batch of clothes to arrive from our suppliers.

So meanwhile, be entertained with this youtube clip of Bert and Ernie.

Can't wait for tonight where by couz WF, who is an apprentice chef will be coming over to whip up a steak meal for both her family and mine!!! Ooohh can't wait. Probably get her recipes and post it soon!

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