Saturday, May 9, 2009

Another year older....

Another year has passed. We're back at El Cerdo (click to see website) celebrating Jimmy's birthday.

Here's one happy birthday boy who doesn't mind getting a year older!

Here's Jimmy trying out his birthday present from KS.....oh so vain!!!

And such a fullfilling porky oink oink meal. Mind the cholesterol later la!!! Eat first! Suffer the consequences later.
Did not do the ordering, just took the role of the 'eater', so I did not really take note of the names...but every pork dish was so so so succulent, juicy and the oh-so-tender piglet!!
My favourite, ham with rock melon........

One bottle of wine and one pint of Hoegaarden we are trying to pose for the camera

I think they held on to the piggy for 5 seconds before Joanna (right) could not take it...

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