Saturday, June 27, 2009

Girl's night out at TMC Mid Year Wine Party

The girls (with the exception of Jacko - the future soya bean tycoon) and I had a fun night out at TMC's Mid Year Wine Party last night. Lots to drink, lots to eat.....and definitely very, very fun. Like 'mama' put it, " We should do this more often" in an sms sent at 8.30 am this morning!

Something that Kenneth from Luen Heng got us to try last night - absolutely great pick!

A group picture towards the end of the night. How many sober faces do you see here?

Yeah, and Sooyin is holding her her favourite Hello Kitty pillow case, something small I got her for her birthday (age cannot be revealed!!)
With all that food and drinks last night - it's off to the gym now for some Bhranga...XOXO...
Hav a smmmoookkkiin day ahead!

1 comment:

the other lsy said...

the girly nite out (incl. Jack) was great.. and thanks for the gift! :) loved it!