Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Customer is Always Right..NOT
9 of us, 7 of whom are AUDITORS went for a Karaoke Session at Red Box on the 29th night.
I spent the whole morning practising my **ahem** singing skills..learning a new song recommended by B.....to just be well prepared for a fun night out of karaoke with my usual 'k' buddies (with the exception of yellowChimp, whois now in Shanghai and bragging to me via sms on a daily basis his Xian adventures and 5 star Radisson hotel and 'Shanghai xiao loong bao' feasts)
Fish Leong's 'Belong'
We thought we had a fun filled night out....
Until the bill came and we were being charged for 10 instead of 9...NO IT'S NOT AN UNINVITED GUEST and not those spooky 'thing'.....
Just that this oh so ugly and fat waiter in white uniform (yes, this is how disgruntled bloggers with limited vocab describe people when they forget to get the waiter's name) who insisted that he came into our room 71 and confirmed with us the headcount and accusingly pointed at LinLin and insisted she confirmed 1o people - which got her so mad that she had to put 3 fingers up and swear she said no such thing! I remember someone asking him , 'Which eye you use to see 10 people here!!!'
He insisted that it is REDBOX's policy that once he confirmed the no of pax with us, it is keyed into the system and the system cannot be reversed or even able to issue us any vouchers or credit notes. I insisted then that I only confirmed 6 at time of booking!
But LOGICALLY speaking, if everyone is in the midst of singing, drinking and enjoying themselves and some dumb-ass waiter comes in and asks...are there 10 people confirmed, who the hell would actually pay attention and start counting. AND HE DID NOT INFORM US THAT HE WAS GOING TO BILL US FOR 10 and told us to look at the 'chit' given to us upon registering that there was indeed a clause that stated there that we can only add additonal headcount and not reduce upon confirmation. So I showed him that our chit then DID INDEED STATE THAT WE ONLT HAVE 6 (as per my original booking - so should I be paying for 6), if so how would the 10 people surface? The whole point of his argument was he did indeed ask us if there were 10 of us and 'someone' said YES.
I then asked him a very simple question,' So if you came in and confirmed that I have 10 people and after which another 5 people came in, how would you be able to confirm and charge me accordingly'. Oh his so BRILLIANT answer was 'Our staff will come in and check and before we give you the bill, we will confirm again.' THERE EXACTLY MY POINT - so why did HE NOT CONFIRM WITH US BEFORE THE BILL WAS PRINTED. Oh even a more amazing answer, 'Because I already confirm with you that you have 10 people just now.' Are some people just genuinely stupid or pure ignorant.
I think Mel, got really frustrated at this point and stressed that this was really stupid policy and he was arguing with 7 AUDITORS -bad move. Joanna motioned to him to call his Manager to resolve this issue with us. His answer, 'My manager is really busy. He is doing other things.' OK WE WOULD WAIT..THIS GUY SHOULD REALLY GET THE WORST SERVICE OF THE YEAR AWARD. So much for the principle - the customer is always right - and he totally ignored my statement. Oh well, maybe some people are just not England powderful - I mean considering Red Box is after all a 'ah lian' and 'ah beng' hangout!!
Anyway, Mr HORRID SERVICE WAITER finally got his manager to speak to us..here's a little bit of the commotion I managed to capture on my camera which I thought was pretty hilarious.....
I reiterated to David (the manager in the above clip) a phrase said by Andy Lau in on of those Hong Kong ads before, "In today's world such kind of customer service is unacceptable" which he quickly agreed that their service level was not up to par yet. Good, then do something about it.
The outcome, Redbox will compensate us the next round we patronize them and reduce 1 headcount for us. And we each had to pay about RM7 bucks more for the so called additional person, which was not a lot but it's just the way the whole thing was handled by redbox is disappointing. Aiya, I think if we were lawyers and not auditor's this china-man pek company would not be let off so easily.
......but we did have a great time last night...to give them credit:- rooms were clean and new, toilets were surprisngly not 'puke' filled and buffet's selection was surprisingly good!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
March 20, 2009
Those who know me, don't bug me on what it is, when the time comes all will be revealed...those who don't know me personally just stay tuned!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
I am bored.....
I read today that Kennysia has broken up. Was going through all his reader's comments when I came across a link to this 'Jay Chou - Where is our promised happiness?' video. Totally emo song with emo lyrics and even full english translation for the 'bananas' out there....
Our promised happiness never materialized but you will still have a special place in my heart.....
Awesome, Funsome Christmas Night 2008 at WIP, BSC

WIP had a rather interesting way to celebrate Christmas. All of us were meant to write our wishes on a piece of paper and tie it to a balloon. Upon the stroke of midnight, everyone was to release their balloons into the air, hoping that wishes would come true. What did I wish for? Secret la, where can tell or else it won't come true!

I like this shot of Hedz and Sooyin......Hedz's wish for 2009,"I don't want to be called GAY anymore. After all, I did make it to the Top 50 of Cleo Bachelor 2008!!!"
Sooyin's wishes to meet more hunky divers...I think her wish came true la..Hedz is currently learning to dive...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
It was also Daniel and Shyan's brithday, so it's always tradition to down the flaming. I reckon the flaming is a little overpriced in WIP for RM65 (if i remembered correctly, as compared to only RM39 in Bar Savanh 2, Mont Kiara when we celebrated Cal's Birthday)

Daniel the yellowChimp and his mini Birthday cake....from us...so SWEET leh (I mean his friends, considering he thought I wore a PYJAMAS to a Christmas Eve party, the cake should be on his face instead!)

Then, he wanted me to do a sexy pose with the cherry..but I think I din pull it off very nicely...HA HA
After that pose failed, he reckon I would do a better job posing as a GHOST...(From this picture, I know I badly need a haircut..)
Here's one of Jackjack trying to be macho...and errr...Hedz can't hide his gay fetishes very well...
Teresa and Cal, childhood buddies...
Yes, and finally one decent shot of the guys! (yeah and in case ur wondering, Hedz is holding de invisible glass)
P/S: I have a video of 2 people salsa-ing away very happily last night. The 2 ppl...hmmmmm...depends how you bribe me or else, the video will be up here veeerrryy soon!!!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Malakoff 12 km Run

Us with the finisher medals
Let's look forward to more runs in 2009!!! Woooooooohooooooo
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Parkson Pavillion Christmas Party
Although I must admit that I was a little bit disappointed with the snail paced serving of finger food and freee floooooooooooowwww......
But all is compensated....upon spending RM200 and above, we get a voucher worth RM50 which can be redeemed on the spot...And get a random door gift....I got ANNA SUI nail polish and mascara....lovely!!!!!!
Upon spending Rm300, we're in the running for the RM1800 worth of Chanel Products Grand Prize... tell me who won't be eyeing that!!!
And other freebies for the night!!!
Yes, typical Malaysians, never fail to be the first in line for free samples...
Guess who walked away with the Grand Prize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Psstt......see Kevin, it's the power of 'The Secret'. So now you should quickly read the book I sent to you!!!!!!)
P/S: Cal, Mama and Miki (Mama's soon to be Sister in Law) each chose something from the gift!! Christmas is the time to share and care!!!!
Everyone went home happy!!!! (probably with the exception of Papa who was trying some perfume and broke the sample bottle!!!!)
Friday, December 19, 2008
This officially marks the end of all my job assignments for 2008!!! and getting ready to pah-teeeeeeeeeeee
Will be out with the gang tonight......I don't know what event Cal mentioned is to be going on at Pavillion Parkson tonight. The only thing I caught her saying was freee flooooooooooooowwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Amazed at my own stupidity!!
yes, somehow I'd miss the drop down box and the logo at the top
Excerpt of my email to resevations at venetian (LAS VEGAS) dot com. (Please read bottoms up)
Dear HEctor
My deepest apologies. I realized that I was meant to book the venetian Macau and somehow I did not realize that there is a Venetian Las Vegas. Could you please cancel the booking for me. Terribly sorry for making this blunder.
-Jesse Loong-
Dear Jesse Loong,
Thank you for choosing the Venetian Resort Hotel Casino as your next destination in Las Vegas . With regard to your request all necessary changes have been made now arriving on 01/10/2009 and departing 01/11/2009 at the rate of $239.00 plus 9% tax per night, as per your request.
Also, I have inputted your reservation confirmation on our e-mailing confirmation list and you will receive a detailed confirmation within 24 hours. If you would like to acquire additional information about the hotel while you wait for your confirmation, please visit us at http://www.venetian.com/ or http://www.palazzolasvegas.com/ . We hope you enjoy the festivities and splendor of Renaissance Venice. If you have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us at toll free at (888) 283-6423 or (702) 414-4100. Thank you.
Hector Topete (And I was here trying to figure out if he was a Filipino employed in macau)
Correspondence Agent Resort Services
Phone: 702.414.4100 Fax: 702.414.4805
Dear Sir/Madam,
I just made an online booking for the Venetian Bella Suite amounting to USD169.00. The details of my booking are as follows:
Reservation No: K5J45
Name: Loong Siao Yue
Credit Card No: XXXXXXX
Check in date: 15 Dec 2008
However, I realized that I made a mistake with the booking date as I did not see the drop down box at the top. I meant to select 10 January 2008. Kindly let me know how I can fix this error. I do not mind if the rates are more on the particular day. I hope that you would be able to revert to me as soon as possible.
And the best part, I did not even notice the disclaimer and the address at the bottom of the email reply from reservations:
The Venetian Resort~Hotel~Casino3355 Las Vegas Boulevard SouthLas Vegas , Nevada 89109
The Venetian is the world's largest five-diamond resort.
Email scanned by DoubleCheckhttp://www.nmgi.com/doublecheck/
I bet the dude at reservations must be thinking I have to be the dumbest person alive.
Yesterday, Sue ann sent out and email without the attachment to us and I was telling her 'FAIL la why do u always do this...".......hmm 3 guesses what she said to me today!!!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Pirates of the High Seas
A lot of people asked me if I rented my outfit. I don't know to feel insulted or happy...except for the awful looking brown belt, which was rented, everything else belonged to me!!!!
Pre dinner drinks and finger food...the endless flow of champagne, wines and beer...that lasted the whole night long until the after party!!!
I wish they were all real gold!!!!
Dinner settings....
Sunday, December 14, 2008
In Singapore again!!
Photo Album for my Fisheye2 pictures....which i bought at the airport this morning as soon as the Disney shop opened at 7am while waiting for my flight to Singapore...
Super cute Mickey and Minnie Handphone accessories
I stayed the night at the Disneyland Hotel after the dinner....
Statue of Mickey at the entrance
The toilet amenitiessssss....
Anyone wanna go for honeymoon?
And finally, a sneak preview of what's to come......me with the 'treasure chest' at the after party!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Transitting in Singapore
This is so tiring!!!!
I think I forgot to bring my cable to load pictures from my digi cam into the laptop...oh well.....forgot to even bring my iPod USB Cable....errrrgghhhhhhh
Can't wait to have Tony Romas Spare Ribs with Taki and Wely tomorrow night at Suntec when I'm back here for my last assignment for the year!!!!!!! Hooorrraaayyyyyy!!!!!!!
Hehehehhe...time for boarding folks!!!!!!!
XOXO .....
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I'd just gotten into B's car...and thought I'd make a sarcastic remark...
Me: Eh, why you wearing headphones and listening to your iPod in the car, no radio is it???? Is that the new iPod touch ah...I also got one!!!!!!!
B: (Staring at me..wondering whether to laugh or to say anything). **snicker...snicker**..(but at the end still kept quiet)
** perhaps 10 seconds of silence**
Me: Oh shit, that's an iPhone isn't it????
B: (Trying not to laugh)......
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Being stood up twice!!!!
Well, you can wish upon the stars that it doesn't happen for the third time, three days in a row...

Thank u and Muuuuuuaaaakkkkss
..XOXO folks
Monday, December 8, 2008
Kenneth's MTV..
awwww...so sweeet..........
I bet not many guys will actually take the time and effort to come up with something like this - and what more, even get the help of your ever so sporting 'brothers'!! Clap....clap....clap
XOXO...that's all today folks..going to Pavillion to enjoy my Kenzo fish spa.....appreciate the last day of the loooonnnnnggg weekend...
This is what Wantirna Boy missed out on!!!

And we played Taboo.....

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Kenneth and Catherine's Wedding
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Near Miss
I almost collided with a TAXI today.
Was cruising along the small road, nearing my 3pm meeting destination. All of a sudden, this GREEN TAXI with obviously a moronic driver dashes out of the T Junction without any warning.
I braked real hard. My handbag flew out of the seat, my files fell off the seat, my magazines fell with a thud to the floor. I horrrrrneed like a maniac at the As*H*Le - too bad I don't have those lorry horns. The dumb F**K must have got a shock of his life and braked and stopped his vehicle in the middle of the two lane road, causing me to swerve to the left and almost hitting the lamp post. I managed to take a good look at the driver's face - wrinkly faced uncle with white hair..............I'm not sure he even noticed my killer stares but at least he lifted his hand and gave me that apolegetic wave.
I must have missed both the lamp post and the moron by inches.
WHAT A DAY..i am still a little shaken.

IT'S DOMO-KUN....a creature supposedly hatched from an egg and known to pass gas when nervous or upset. This is Calene's Otaku (obsession) and something I got for her burd-day. Those old school toys where you wind the screw and it starts to walk..and yes, that's what she, me and Sooyin did at the mamak in Paramount last night......

OK OK talk about lameness. That's cause I am waiting to go collect my passport. Renewed my passport over the kiosk in Pusat Bandar Damansara this morning, but it's a 2 hour wait to collect it.