Thursday, April 16, 2009

My spanking new badminton racquet!

When I tell people I play or at least try to play badminton regularly (on a weekly basis) now, what I get from them are...
"Pathetic la..she don't join us for abalone dinner to play badminton"
"You sure you play ah? Don't bluff"
"Go watch movie la, play what play..."
Do I really look like such a wimp who can't even afford a once a week 9-11pm badminton session! Whoa!
Anyway, last night I finally got my very own banana colour racquet with a good ole' grip!! And here's proof!!!!! Fuiyoh!


calene said...

you should have put it side by side with the blue racquet

bananas in pajamas!

Anonymous said...

that could be anyone's racket..

Siao Yue said...

calene: no laa.....cannot look so pro but in actual fact i'm so crap at badminton it's embarassing

kevin: since when the scoresby stalker start to tease his goooood fren who has been with him through thick and thiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Anonymous said...

since leaving the country and at a safe enough distance away from retaliation ;)

the famous one said...

its like posting a photo of you holding a beautiful cake and said you made it. show some videos of you playing la..

Siao Yue said...

the famous one: u wait la!!!! will post soon!!! muahahah