Friday, October 30, 2009


Out with some old school mates the other day, Mich and Eric, when Mich suddenly asked me 'Have you always pronounced To-Bas-Co?' Strangely to say, yes I have and for the first time in life, I actually took notice of the bottle and realized that it is actually spelt with an A and not O on the second alphabet. I bet many of you out there made the same mistake?

I'm staying off beer for 1 month. Was meant to start since last Sunday and the reminder was already on my MSN header but I couldn't resist one pint of Hoegaarden at The Library on Monday after dinner. Damnit! And Eric said:

Eric: Take a picture then later photoshop your hand red...
Mich and me: Scratching our heads wondering....
Eric: ....cause you have been caught red handed drinking beer...

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