Last year in August, I hit my third and fourth left toe against the corner of the sofa - the pain was so severe tears were rolling down my cheeks, fractured my bones and had to plaster my two toes together for weeks for support. No joke leh! My blue slippers were my best friend for almost a month!!!!
Today at KLIA (just back from Singapore), I went to get a bottle of Martini Asti. Put the bottle in a bag and left it on the trolley. Of all things to happen, the damn bottle rolled off the trolley onto the floor but it had to hit my big toe first!!!!!!!! Best part is the bottle was still in tact.
So yeah, that's why a crippled me is blogging on a Friday night because I can't walk properly what more go clubbing with a limp!!!! and it sure hurts like hell!
Looks my I have to put my latest addition of Charles and Keith on hold first..... to go Genting to support Kai Seng's sister for the Ms Astro finals tomorrow???
Is anyone gonna show me any sympathy???????? Will someone bring a bottle of sake and drink with me tonightttt???
ouchh..hope ur toe feels better soon...did u try rubbing it with some chinese meds?
sunshine: last night i used the 'tit dar zhao' and balut the whole night already!!
omg that is such sick looking toe!
the color reminds me of a squid with it's ink all splattered >_<
ehhh don't balut arr!!Last time when I was in Malaysia I sprained my 4th toe then I balut with tit dar zhao was then it swell and skin peeling and shit...then the worst part was it was not even well but I open the door at the bank and scraped it so thought I broke my toe that time coz it was bleeding..I quickly went and see the doc!So balut it whole night don't know whether a good idea or not leh
cal: yess thats why mambo is NOT ON tonight!!!
sunshine: eeeuu/./urs sounds more grossed out than mine..ok i shall let it to breatheee now
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